Last Update: August 14th, 2023

Game Assets

I think I am missing cards. Where is card #...
Here is a breakdown of some of the cards and standees and where to find them.

State Cards
  • #1 to #23: Base Game
  • #24: Does not Exist
  • #25 to #83: Base Game
  • #84: Base Game (Enveloppe #4)
  • #85 and #86: Banu Haqim Expansion
  • #87 to #91: Ministry Expansion
  • #92 and #93: Hecata Expansion
  • #93 (Wilseihman): Lasombra Expansion
  • #94: Base Game (Enveloppe #3)
  • #95: Hecata Expansion
  • Wilseihman should be #96, but due to a sorting error, is marked as #93 (same as The Surgeon).
Item Cards
  • #1 to #66: Base Game
  • #67 and #68: Banu Haqim Expansion
  • #69: Lasombra Expansion
  • #70: Ministry Expansion
  • #71: Hecata Expansion
  • #72: Lasombra Expansion
  • #73 and #74: Banu Haqim Expansion
  • #75: Ministry Expansion
Effect Cards
  • #1 to #96: Base Game
  • #1 to #117: Base Game
  • #118: Hecata Expansion
  • #119 to #125: Base Game
  • #126: DOES NOT EXIST
  • #127: Base Game
  • #128 to #130: Banu Haqim Expansion
  • #131: Base Game
  • #132 to #135: Banu Haqim Expansion
  • #136 to #143: Hecata Expansion
  • #144 to #146: Lasombra Expansion
  • #147 and #148: Base Game
  • #149 to #152: Ministry Expansion
  • #153 to #156: Base Game
  • #157: Ministry Expansion

Note: There are two copies of #23, four copies of #25, four copies of #64, #65, and #66, there are three copies of #153, and four copies of #155.

If you are missing any other card, please contact us at info@flyosgames.com
Where are all the Masquerade Breaches?
  • The 1st Masquerade Breach is in envelope #1;
  • The 2nd is in a scenario booklet called Masquerade Breach 2;
  • The 3rd is also in a scenario booklet called Masquerade Breach 3;
  • The 4th is hidden in envelope #2.
How can I obtain the metal replacement dice and/or the adhesive errata pack? How much do they cost? When will I receive them?
You can reserve them via RETALIATION's Late Pledge, which will remain open until November/December. The dice will be automatically added to your shopping cart if you use the same email address used for CHAPTERS. A minimum fee of $0.50 is charged by Backerkit for processing all transactions on their platform. 

If you support the RETALIATION project, you will not incur additional shipping charges for these items. Otherwise, shipping charges for the errata sticker set will be due later in the year, and any amount you have already paid will be credited to cover these future charges. 

The maximum shipping charge for the dice will be $10, and $7 for the errata (maximum $10 for both combined).
Delivery of these items will take place with the expedition of RETALIATION, estimated for early summer 2024.
Where are the Kickstarter Unlocked Stretch Goals?
The Kickstarter Exclusive Miniatures were automatically added to backer’s carts when they completed their pledges while having backed the game via Kickstarter, and was available for purchase via the Late Pledge for those who didn’t. All Gameplay unlocked Stretch Goals are however included in the core box so every player has the same experience:

  • Montreal City Map (in the Storybook)
  • Plastic Tray (in the box)
  • 11x Extra Scenarios (in the scenarios)
  • 4x Concept Arts (in the Storybook)
  • 3x extra item cards (in your cards)
  • The Feeding Events (in the booklets and envelopes)
I bought the All-In package, but I don’t seem to have the HECATA expansion? How come?
The Hecata expansion was a late add-on accessible through the Pledge manager, when you paid your shipping fee. It wasn't included in any pledge, as we established the value of the ANCILLA, ELDER and KINDRED pledges with the materials available at that moment, the Hecata expansion was still in development.

It's available in retail at the moment in many territories, so it's still possible for you to purchase it via your local game store.
Where can I buy the Kickstarter Exclusive Miniatures/Metal Boons/Painted Miniatures/Metal Dice?
These exclusives cannot be purchased in stores or online at this time.

Combat, NPCs & State Cards

If I use a Mix combat card as a Defense, do I inflict the additional effect (such as -1 initiative from Uppercut) to the NPC attacking me?
When using Mix cards as Defense, you do not inflict the added effect. This is the drawback of using a mix card as a defense. It can save you in a pinch, but they are less effective as defense than as attacks.
If the game tells me to add a standee on the tile, but there are no more in the box, what do I do?
If there are no more standees in the box, you do not add anymore.
In Chapter 16, when do the shambling dead spawn, exactly?
The dead spawn when the round tracker moves, which is at the end of a round, so they play on their initiative on their next turn.
When the booklet says that an NPC’s attitude changes to “FROM NOW ON”, does it change for the entire campaign?
No, the NPC’s attitude is changed for the current chapter only. If you encounter that same NPC later on in another chapter, please refer to their state card for their attitude, or consider the NPC “Neutral”.
When the Werewolf boss (state card #22) plays its special attack #2, does it gain Resistance?
The boss does not gain any Resistance, but may remove its bleed tokens. While this is a protective move, it still affects the coterie and Mr. Damp, as they must take an immobilized token.

Discipline & Skill Checks

If my dice pool is reduced to 0, but I have enough Skill points to succeed a skill check automatically –can I still succeed?
No. If your dice pool ever reaches 0 (or less), you cannot attempt a Skill check. If you go ahead with this option anyway, you automatically fail the attempt.
There are only Hunger Dice in my Dice Pool – can I still make a Skill check or do I fail automatically?
You can always attempt a Skill check, even if all you have are Hunger Dice. The drawback of this is that you will not be able to re-roll any dice with Willpower, but otherwise so long as you have at least 1 die available (red or black) you can attempt a Skill check. If your Hunger would give you more dice to roll than you normally would, for instance if you would normally have 3 black dice, but are at hunger 5, you roll 5 dice. The Beast wants you to try, it wants you to risk Frenzy.
If I fail a Rouse check when using a Discipline, does that mean I also fail at using the Discipline?
No. The Rouse check is separate from the Discipline use. Basically, the Rouse check determines if your vampire becomes hungrier from calling upon its Blood. The Discipline works no matter what.
I want to use a Discipline like "Awe" during a Skill check. Do I roll my Rouse check before or after the Skill check?
Always roll your Rouse check before your Skill check, when activating a Discipline.
What is the order of operations when forming a dice pool before a skill check?
To make a skill check:
  • Grab as many black dice as your attribute.
  • Remove or add black dice due to effect/combat/item cards.
  • Add/remove black dice due to Discipline use.
If the pool is positive (1 black die or more) and you have 0 Hunger:
  • Compare your skill successes (referred to as skill automatic successes in the rulebook).
  • If your skill successes are enough to meet or beat the difficulty, you may choose not to roll dice and succeed. Otherwise skip to #6.
  • If your skill successes are not enough to meet or beat the difficulty, Roll dice pool.
  • Add skill successes (referred to as skill automatic successes in the rulebook).
  • Compare final number with difficulty.
If the pool is positive (1 black die or more) and you have at least 1 Hunger:
  • Swap black dice with hunger dice (This is where you may end up with more red dice than you had black dice if your hunger is higher than your normal dice pool).
  • Roll dice pool.
  • Tally up successes (and hunger increases, if any).
  • Add skill successes (referred to as skill automatic successes in the rulebook).
  • Compare final number with difficulty.
If the pool is negative (0 black dice or fewer) regardless of Hunger:
  • You fail the check.

Movement & Tokens

Can my character (or an enemy) stop their movement on a Difficult Terrain token? What happens then?
Difficult Terrain tokens block Lines of Sight during ranged attacks, but only if the token is located between the attacker and its target. When your movement stops on a Difficult Terrain token, it does not block your Line of Sight or that of an enemy attacking you at a distance.
Does Fire only spread from the last placed token or can it spread from any token?
When fire spreads, add the new token on a HEX adjacent to the last-placed Fire token. This new HEX must be in the direction of the nearest vampire (character or NPC). If two vampires are equally close, choose toward which one you want the Fire to spread. Remember: Fire does not target a particular vampire, it simply spreads toward the closest vampire each round. You can use that to your advantage by creating Fire walls, or forcing it to go toward enemies!
What happens if an NPC moves onto the same HEX as my character, following a booklet event?
Since this type of movement is quite unusual you can ignore other movement rules in this case and move your character to an adjacent HEX so that the NPC’s movement is unimpeded. If you need to remain undetected by the NPC, you still have to make a Stealth check to remain in Stealth mode. 
How far can Summons move?
Summons with a summon card have a move of 3.

Trackers & Points

When does Hunger increase?
There are three ways for Hunger to increase in the game. It can be due to an instruction in the booklet. Your Hunger will also increase if you roll a BLANK (Hunger goes up by 1) or SKULL (Hunger goes up by 2)  symbol during a Rouse check, or when you roll more SKULLS than ANKHS + automatic successes during a regular skill check.
If I switch characters over the game’s course, should I keep the same Humanity level, or is it reset to 7 (or 5 for Lasombra and Hecata)?
Humanity is linked to specific characters. When you switch characters, your new one starts with 7 Humanity (or 5 for Lasombra and Hecata). However, if you go back to your previous character, they return to the same Humanity level they left with.
How does the damage tracker work on NPC State Cards?
The damage tracker for enemies goes from left to right, like the players’. However, unlike the players’ damage tracker, an NPC is removed from play the moment their tracker is filled to its maximum.

This maximum depends on the player count. So for instance, in a game with only 3 players (and no coterie allies as these also increase plate count), an enemy’s damage tracker maximum is where the “3P” appears.

Once the NPC takes damage, take the ankh slider and slide it to the appropriate pip on the damage tracker. An NPC with no damage taken (at “full hit points”, if you prefer) would not have the slider on their damage tracker.
Does the round tracker pause during combat?
No. The round tracker continues to decrease during combat.

Prologues & Expansions

Can I play the Expansion Packs characters from the start of the campaign?
You can! We will not stop you. However, know that this may break immersion as these characters will not have special branches, nor will they be acknowledged by NPCs until their arrival in Montreal (Interlude 1 for Aaron, Chapter 14 for Aurora and Edward, and Interlude 2 for Melissa).
How do Experience Points work with the Prologues?
Completing a prologue will give you experience points, which are applied to any character you choose to play during the campaign. While you cannot change character at-will during the campaign (as mentioned on page 20 of the rulebook, if you change to a different character, you cannot change back to your previous character), you can play each Prologue once. This means that, if you want, you can get up to 8 XP before the start of the campaign by playing through each Prologue.

You have questions?

You haven't found what you were looking for? No problem, just send us an email. We will collect the most common questions and update this page on a regular basis.


1st edition errors and typos

In this section, we list all the different errors that have been pointed by our team and other players. Use it as a reference for your parties. This section will be updated regularly.

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Flyos Games inc. © All rights reserved — 2023
Vampire: The Masquerade is the copyright and trademark of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved. For more information please visit www.paradoxinteractive.com.  

Flyos Games inc. © All rights reserved — 2023
Vampire: The Masquerade is the copyright and trademark of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved. For more information please visit www.paradoxinteractive.com.  

Flyos Games inc. © All rights reserved — 2023
Vampire: The Masquerade is the copyright and trademark of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved. For more information please visit www.paradoxinteractive.com.  

Flyos Games inc. © All rights reserved — 2023
Vampire: The Masquerade is the copyright and trademark of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved. For more information please visit www.paradoxinteractive.com.